

Jens Andersson is a composer, producer and vocalist from Gothenburg, Sweden. He has over 30 years of experience as a songwriter and artist, performing with different bands and playing different musical genres. 

Jens has played in a Jazz trio in New Zealand, Soul band in Sweden, Hard rock band in Norway, party bands in Australia and basking in the narrow streets of Cadiz, Spain.

For the moment his own record label Jam Production is running three different projects: The artist Jens Andersson, The producer Mojobo and the filmscorer Lagerqvist. Apart from his music career, he also has a Master of engineering in road and city planning and he likes surfing.

Jens Andersson grew up in the suburb Partille, just outside Gothenburg, Sweden. He started his music career with 5 years of boring and tough staccato practice on his trumpet in the local music school. It was a career which almost abrubtly ended at the age of 9, when his trumpet teacher disliked the lack of enthusiasm from Jens. 

Crushed by his teacher he stopped playing the trumpet, but decided to try something else, the saxophone! The staccatos were changed into syncopes, the marches were put aside and the improvisation was ruling! Music was fantastic! Suddenly there were no needs for contracts with his mum to practice for 15 min a day on his trumpet. Jens couldn’t take his hands off the sax and his interest of music grew rapidly. The same year he started to play the guitar and the piano.

At the age of 16, Jens started to play in his first band "The Wanganui Jazz Trio" while he was on a high school exchange in New Zealand. The Jazz Trio played jazz classics and performed at the local opera house and cocktail parties.

Later that year Jens joined the rock band "Cross Town Traffic" and performed at local bars and clubs.

A year later, back in Sweden he and his class mate Lars David Beckung started a new band called "Boko". Jens was one of the lead singers and played the sax. They came to the semifinals in a local rock contest and won two days in a recording studio where they recorded one of their own songs.

Due to compulsory military service he had to quit the band, but only a year later at the University of Lund the party band "Alfons" was up and running. Alfons played at pubs, clubs, camping grounds or wherever there was a party. Jens was the lead singer, guitarist and occasionally played the sax.

1999 Jens travelled the world and studied a year in Brisbane, Australia. There he became the lead singer in another party band "Chocolate Moose". They played mostly covers at parties, but also participated with there own songs in different contests and recorded an Ep.

Back in Sweden, for a short time he reunited with the pianist from Alfons as saxophonist and joined the band "Flux" before he continued his travelling and moved to Spain and South America. Flux recorded a funk demo including a cover with Lenny Kravitz and Mick jagger. 

In Cadiz, Spain a new band was formed which played on the streets of Cadiz. The "No name band" was a really international band which included an Irish man, one Faeroe Islander and two Swedes.

After about 2 years of travelling and studying abroad he moved home to Sweden and finished his tudies in Lund. The University time was over and Jenze decided to move back to Gothenburg. After a few months he joined the folkrock band "Circus Sol" where he played the saxophone and occasionally sang. They did gigs around Gothenburg, recorded 2 demos, 2 full length cds and their songs were frequently played on the radio. During the time playing with Circus Sol, the idea of starting his own band started to grow.

They did warm up acts for some of the biggest Norwegian artists in the genre of Singer song writer / folkrock and they released 4 singles, 1 Ep and 1 album. When Jens moved to Sweden 2018 the band stopped touring, but there are still many songs that are not released. We will see what future will bring us.

Due to Jens great interest in film music, in 2015 Jens enrolled a film scoring course at Berklee College of Music. He received top grades and the Film scorer Lagerqvist was born (which also is the maiden name of his mother).

Since then he has been working with different projects where he adds music to presentations and commercial films. He is watching out for the perfect movie to add some unforgettable film tracks. 2022 Lagerqvist released one singel and 2 albums.

With the return to Sweden in 2018, the interest of producing music increased and in 2019 the alias Mojobo came to life even though Jens has been involved more or less in music production since 1992 when he recorded his first song in a professional studio.

Since 2002 when he set up his first home studio he has recorded several album demos and co-produced and produced music in different proffesional studios. "Sommar i Bohuslän"(2012), "Bara för pengarnas skull"(2013), Ep "Springa ut"(2014), singel "Stort glas av kärlek"(2016), singel "Väntar på kärleken" (Waitng for Love, Avicii)(2017), LP "Stort glas av kärlek" (2017), "Vi två", "När kvällen är över"(2018).


In 2019 he teamed up with producer and artist Rocksteady Fred and started the label Roots in a jar. They started a cooperation with the British Reggae and RnB artist Juliette Ashby. 2021, 4 singles including the well known artists Aleks Syntek (Mexico), Carmen Pierri (Italy) and Daniel Lemma (Sweden) were released. In 2022 the album Why and music video came out with the same artists. 


Due to love he moved to the beautiful city of Bergen (which has more days of rain than any other city in Europe...yes, the love was great.).

In Bergen he joined two local bands and eventually he realised his goal to form his first own band "Jenze and the rising band". The band included friends and students from The Grieg Academy of Music, such as Marte Eberson (High as a kite) who played the keyboards and Edward Brøther (Knekklectric) who played the guitar. It was such a kick to do a lot of songwriting and present them for the band.

The music increasingly took a bigger place in Jens´life and heart. He decided to quit his job and start to study music in Oslo, Norway.

It was a life-changing experience. Finally Jens had the oppertunity to drench himself in music practice, music theory, music history and play various types of music. During the years in Oslo he formed the band "Harmonic Tornado". The music was influenced by soul and the band played at different music scenes mostly in Oslo.

At music school Jens got to know and played with many great musicians, some which are still playing at the local scenes of Oslo and some that are world known artists such as Vincent Dery (Nico & Vinz).

In 2011, Jens decided to go back and write in his mother tongue, Swedish. In the same year he formed "Jens Andersson Band" (later called "Jens Andersson"), a band consisting of great musician with background in many different genres as soul, jazz and folk music. For about  8 years Jens and his band played all over Norway (and in a few places in Sweden)both at small concerts and big festivals.

During 2020 the two producers started to develop a fiction world in form of Ruthless Town. It all started when they wrote a song for Juliette Ashby about a bank robbery. The story was so intriging so they just had to keep on writing. The first Season includes 11 episodes which have been presented to Disney and Netflix.

2023 the first episode was released as an audio book/music album and a locally crafted beer featuring one of the characters in Ruthless Town, "Ruthless Lady" the gangster boss in Ruthless town. Episode 2, released 2024, was also released as a audio book/music album and a crafted Session IPA featuring the famous Bluegrass artist and radio announcer "Grandpa Pope".

The saga continues to unfold and only the mysteries of the future hold the secrets of what´s to come.